Thursday, October 16, 2008

hanging out with friends

Sometimes I forget that I have great friends. Just yesterday, I made an early morning call on somebody facing horrible surgery and I had contacted a buddy of mine to see if he had time to have breakfast together. He did. We did.

It is so good to have breakfast with a friend who loves God, loves me, loves coffee and can talk and laugh and have a great time!! Woo hooo!!!!!

I am a blessed guy. I have good friends who would do anything for me and I know they would. It doesn't get better than that.

Note to self: don't ever take them for granted!!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

everyday miracles

Last week, Wendy (my wife, for those who don't know me) was the Music Director for a Walk To Emmaus weekend retreat. The Walk to Emmaus is a unique retreat (maybe an Advance??) that combines worship, deep talks about life and grace with fun and lots of emotional healing. She had a wonderful time and it was so good to see her step into that role and to be an vessel of God's grace for those women.

Since I'm usually the one in our marriage who is going out and doing these kinds of things (many years in Youth Ministry, Campus Ministry, Emmaus, Chrysalis (the teen version of Emmaus), etc), it was so much fun ... albeit a little wierd ... to watch her do it. I am a blessed man to be married to wonderful woman like her.

But, it got me to thinking about how well I let her know how I feel about her. I THINK I do a good job of it, but do I? How well do any of us let those whom we love know how we feel about them? Do we tell them we love them often enough? Do we tell them how proud we are of them and why? Do we REALLY communicate with them or do we just pass the time with them?

I want to be more conscientious of letting my family ... my friends ... my parishioners ... my whatever ... know how much I care about them and why I think they are so special.

Shouldn't we all????