The irrascible Joe Blundo wrote a great article in the Columbus Dispatch about Christmas. Among his many wonderfully pithy (and I'm not writing with a lisp here), he challenges this silly modern idea that Wal-Mart cash register clerks are ruining Christmas for the whole world. Poppycock!!
As a Christian, I claim Christmas as a holy season in my life. As a pastor, I claim Christmas as a REALLY busy season in my life. As a shopper of gifts both well-thought through and bought in haste with dubious taste (hey, that rhymed!), I find Christmas a fun time to give to others. I could care less what the weary ones who check me out say to me. Instead, I offer a cheery Merry Christmas to THEM!! After all, if this season is MY faith's season, then it should be MY responsibility to share the cheer, don'tcha think?
I've said it before, people like Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh would become flaming liberals tomorrow if it paid better and Howard Stern would become a moralistic high grounder tomorrow if it paid better. These guys are not true believers ... they are opportunists who are cashing in on the conservative fear that is bandied about so freely and act as breeder reactors for the anger that seems to be simmering.
My friends, be gentle and loving to the weary retail clerks. They work way too many hours for way too little money. Be generous to people who are confused about what to say in this season for fear they may offend. If Christmas be your holy season, then proclaim your joy to all around. After all, isn't this what witnessing is SUPPOSED to be about? We proclaim the joy of our faith and what better opportunity than this season where people's heads are already turned Christ's way?
As the old carol sings, "O come let us adore Him! O come let us adore Him! Christ, the Lord!" Merry Christmas ... Happy Holy-days ... Feliz Navidad ... May the joy of the One birthed this season be yours forevermore!
harbarger theory: christ is not in any danger of being left out of christmas!