Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Reading is good!

harbarger theory: my brain may explode this year.

I have embarked this year on what some may say is a foolhardy endeavor. I will say that it may tax my feeble little brain!

I am attempting to read ALL of the religious writings of Clive Staples Lewis (CS Lewis to most of us and Jack to a few of his closest friends and family). Not only did he write a LOT of stuff, but much of it is thick and weighty.

For those of you who are not a religious writings geek like me, CS Lewis held an endowed Chair of Medieval and Renaissance Literature at Cambridge University. That's why I'm not reading ALL of his writings. A lot are about literature that I don't always even understand. So ... only the religious stuff for me!!!

Although CS Lewis was raised in the church, he turned his back on it and became a self-avowed atheist. However, through the patient friendship of no-name dudes like JRR Tolkein and the sort, he worked his way back to the Christian faith and became one of the pre-eminent Christian writers of our century.

Since I'm trying to read all of his stuff this year, I decided to read it in the order he wrote it. I've purchased a couple of anthologies of his books, and with the books I already have in my own library, I'm already pretty close to having his whole catalogue!!! Still need to get a few, but ... I'm on my way.

I will be blogging about each book as I read them, so watch here for more "Fun With Clive."

However, if you come into the church office and find my brains leaking out of my ears, you'll know that this endeavor has made my brain explode. Oh well, no big loss, eh???

harbarger theory: my brain may explode this year.


paul said...

small explosions are good. Kind of like lady fingers...

Joel said...

ummmm .... my brain exploding is like lady fingers? I LOVE non-sequiters!!!

paul said...

You know... lady fingers are those really small firecrackers. With little power. See, it's funny because...

Unknown said...

Joel, my daughter and son-in-law steve are with YWAM in Tyler TX. he has also set out on a reading adventure this year and is currently reading Lewis's space trilogy at this time as well. His blog is listed below. If you are interested.
I personally have read a lot of Lewis' books and they are some of my favorites to return to over and over again.

I don't have the time to join in this goal of yours this year, but it would be one I would love to try at some point. enjoy your adventure and I don't think your head will explode merely your mind and soul will expand and as "the lady says, you will be older now"

Unknown said...

sorry, I guess I signed in under My husband Jake's account. I don't know if you met Jake or not, we were married in 1980.

any way the last post was from Lisa Tackett Foley
and I do miss Jackson and all of the little things like the Apple Festival, Micheal's Ice Cream Shop, and veals.