Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Showing Up

harbarger theory: the most important thing in life is just showing up

Rev. Steve Games, one of my mentors, used to say, "The world is run by those who show up."

The other night, one of the teens in our church melted down and took off and ended up in Missouri. When I heard that, I suggested that our daughter could go get her, so she wouldn't have to spend the night in the care of the police. The parents were happy to have that happen, so I called Molly.

Of course, she immediately said, "Sure! Where is she?" So, we dealt with the details and Molly was deployed. She enlisted her friends and they made plans to take the road-weary girl out for ice cream, to bring snacks and even to make an iPod Playlist to listen to after they took care of her. What a great bunch of women!!!

But, the most important part was their willingness. They had lives and plans and things to do. They could have been doing any number of things (maybe some that a dad doesn't want to hear about!). But, instead ... they immediately said, "Sure! Where is she?"

Steve's probably right about the world being run by those who show up. But, I KNOW that the world is rescued by the willing. By simply being willing to step into the breach, you change the world. By simply putting yourself in a position to help, you raise the chances of good things happening.

What little I understand about Quantum Physics suggests that at every given moment, there are all results are simultaneously available and only when an "observer" interacts with life is there an actual choice. (If you want more, read Max Planck and see if I'm even close!)

When we show up, we become one of the variables in this Quantum Physics understanding of life and we make one of the choices. In Molly's case, it was a good choice! I hope that your choices are much the same. But, we only force those choices by getting involved ... by showing up ... by being willing.

My friends, get off the couch, off the sidelines, out of the chairs around the perimeter of the school dance. Get out the door, into the game or onto the dance floor. Be willing! Show up! Do something good!

You might just save someone's life today. You never know until you show up!!

harbarger theory: the most important thing in life is showing up

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