Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Messy Food

harbarger theory: messy food is great food. the messier the food, the better it is. never trust food that is too tidy.
Really good food is messy. Great burritos drip down your arm. Great peaches get all over your face. Great honeybell oranges have to be eaten while leaning over the sink so it doesn't get on your shirt. Great ice cream sundaes spill over the sundae dish and onto the saucer under it (or onto the table if it's not!).
Life is like that. Messy. Relationships are not tidy. Wonderful things happen. Mistakes happen. But, if we stick with it, then the relationships get stronger and deeper. Faith is messy. Our lifestyle gets in the way of our inner growth. But, if we keep trying to make our inner life and our outer behavior consistent, then our faith gets deeper and more life-giving. Work is messy. Some days are really great and we succeed. Some days are like running through quicksand ... slow going and dragging us down. But, if we are doing good things for good reasons, then the messiness becomes all worth it.
Life & faith, like great food, is messy. Sometimes it spills over the edge of the bowl. Sometimes it drips down your arm or gets it on your shirt. But, that's what makes it great!
harbarger theory: messy food is great food.


paul said...

these are really creative

Unknown said...

So I learned that you had your own website during the service today! :)
I would disagree with your idea that messier food is better...but the analogy is great! You had some very interesting points in there.

Joel said...


Really?? Tidy food is really better?? Really??

Wanna explicate???

Unknown said...

Don't get me wrong...messy food is good...BUT...I much prefer less messy food.
Explicate...love that word!