Friday, March 6, 2009

harbarger theory: better to have it and not need it

harbarger theory: it's always better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
I have to admit that my long history in the Boy Scouts drilled this into me, but I still live by this rule. Whether it's packing for a trip (I always bring my leatherman and a flashlight) or for an outdoor concert or whatever, I tend to prepare for the unexpected.
I recently had a great time at coffee with an old friend and former Superintendent and I wondered what he wanted to talk about. It turns out he just wanted to pick my meager brain (not much there anymore, I'm afraid!), but I ran through so many scenarios before we met. I wanted to be prepared.
But, isn't that a life lesson? If we are prepared for the unexpected ... then, don't they become the sorta expected? Aren't we then even MORE primed to deal with what we don't expect? I think so. We plan, we think ahead and then we dance to whatever music is playing. The more dance moves we have, the better we dance. (Not that I can dance, but I can sling a metaphor!)
Noah built the Ark in the desert. He planned ahead. He did what needed done to get the job done even when it looked silly. It doesn't have to be raining when you start preparing for the flood. That's what I say!!
We don't know what the future holds. The economy is still getting worse. Loved ones still get sick. War rages on and on. But, we can prepare ourselves to deal with it though loving God and loving our neighbors with all we have. Maybe loving is all we really can hang onto in the end, eh?
Anyway, I try to plan for rain and hope for sunshine.
harbarger theory: it's always better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.


paul said...

" turns out he just wanted to pick my meager brain..."

must... show... restraint....

Unknown said...

I one hundred percent agree with you. (Notes the look of shock on your face) :)
I wouldn't lack confidence in that "meager brain" of yours. On the contrary, I wouldn't classify it as meager at all.
I really liked this part, "Maybe loving is all we really can hang onto in the end, eh? Anyway, I try to plan for rain and hope for sunshine." Absolutely.

Joel said...

Paul ... Lent is a good time to show restraint. Good for your Disciplines!!

Naomi ... Good seeing you today! Thanks for your generous comments.